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LaBelle White House President
Press Release

LaBelle White House Press Reports

Please see information below on when, where, and how to obtain sandbags in preparation for Hurricane Dorian.

WHY: For the public to prepare for possible threat from Hurricane Dorian

ATTENTION MEDIA: Please with contact Emily Hunter

any questions or


Please check our website or follow us on

Facebook at

Hendry County Emergency Management

4425 West State Road 80

LaBelle, Florida 33935


Labelle White House

Press Secretary

Mauricio Perez

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On behalf of the Labelle White House and President.Daniel E.Santiago Jr Administration . We want to encourage everyone has they prepare for this upcoming 4th of July week to celebrate are Independence Day has a Country. We just ask that everyone is cautious and takes extra Precautions to Ensure the safety of others. A statement from labelle White House S.S.T Major.

" Has we come together this week to celebrate 4th of July from all over the states we need to be mindful of children and the Dangers of fireworks can have only adults should handle them. At a safe distance incase of an Mountfunctions, Stay safe and have fun" -S.S.T Major.Marc Duprey

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On behalf of The labelle White House President.Daniel E.Santiago Jr and President Secretary/Aid.Alex A Perez were Attending. The final Hendry and Glades' High School High Tech Business Advisory Council Meeting. Has President.Santiago Was one of the Guess Speakers. Here's a Statement from (Ms. Katherine Broughton-Clewiston-CareerSource/Destination Graduation. " A Great Idea for us is to clean up are water ways, places were we love to go fishing let's help are Environment" Seen in the pictures from left to right Top: (Ms. Katherine Broughton -Clewiston-CareerSource/Destination Graduation,President Secretary/Aid.Alex A Perez, President.Daniel E. Santiago Jr) Bottom: (Brandon S.- High school High Tech, Ms.Fernanda GERONIMO-Goodwill Labelle's Joblink Coordinator) Labelle White House Press Secretary Mauricio Perez Jr

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